So a couple of years ago I made a card game that worked quite well among my friends. It's called Emmet's hand. The name Emmet is taken from the protagonist from The Lego Movie.

- A card deck without Jokers
- Prior Knowledge of Poker Set Cards (Pair, Three's, Straight, Flush, Full House, 4 of a kind, Straight Flush, Royal Flush + Card Order: 1. Spade 2. Heart 3. Club 4. Diamond)

Ideal Number of Players: 2 - 4. More than 5 players are not recommended.

How to Play:
1. At the beginning of the game, players are given 6 cards.

2. A card is drawn from the deck and displayed on the table. (Ex: Jack of Spades)

3. Upon a new displayed card, the players are allowed to make 3 kinds of moves: BET, PASS, or FINISH.

- BET: out of the 6 cards, a player is allowed to make a bet by putting ONE card on the table (face down). Other players who wish to also bet must do the same.

The cards used for betting are then revealed together (ex: 10 diamond and 9 spades). The player with the higher card (10 diamond) wins the auction and gets the displayed card on the table (Jack of Spades).
THEN the cards used for BETTING are now switched (clockwise) among players who did the bet (CARD EXCHANGE).

After betting, the player who won a card now has 7 cards on his/her hand. This player must discard one card to be put on the table as the displayed card. Players can also bet for this card.

If there's only one person who bets, the person automatically wins the displayed card.

After betting is finished, draw another card from the deck and diaplay it on the table.

- SKIP: The player who skips cannot bet for the turn and (s)he is not involved in the card exchange done in the step of betting.

- FINISH: The player who finishes must put a card (faced down) while displaying the other 5 cards (example: forming a FLUSH).
When a person finishes, the rest of the players are allowed to make one LAST BET on a newly displayed card.
If a player finishes, the remaining players must finish, too (after the last bet).

4. The winner is the person who has the highest set of card.

I hope the instructions are clear.
Feel free to contact me for a trial.
Have fun!


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