My Confessions (1)
ONE: Not a Christian.
If you ever thought of me as a
Christian, and this is how a Christian looks, DON’T. Don’t ever try to have
some guts to call me a Christian. I myself don’t have the courage to say I am a
Christian. Christianity is a very distinct unique, spoiled by its followers,
and I don’t wanna be another person to corrupt this belief. [Remember when
Gandhi said “I like your Christ but I don’t like you Christians”?]
“But you go to church!,”; “But you
go to fellowships!,”; “I saw you brought a bible!”; “You were so persistent
when it comes to talking about Christian faith!”; “You pray!”
Here I tell you what, these traits do not make someone a Christian. I
go to church every Sunday, that doesn’t
make me a Christian. I go to fellowships. that doesn’t make me a Christian. I read the bible, that doesn’t make me a Christian. I did
some apologetics, that doesn’t make me a
Christian. I pray, that doesn’t make
me a Christian.
Forget the internet stereotypes of mainstream Christians
with their signs “GOD HATES HOMO” and damn judgmental stuffs. They might not be
Christians at all.
So whenever I do something bad, do not associate my things
to the Christ-adoring religion. You are not looking at a Christian doing
something bad. You are looking at a person doing something bad.
“Are you an Atheist, or an Agnostic, then?”
No. I’ve been there, and I won’t choose to deny God’s
No. Not at all. I’m not anything at all.
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